Top LGBTQI+ health information and clinical resources for medical students and junior doctors:
- Pride in Health’s Infographic of LGBT barriers to care and health disparities
- Snapshot of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Statistics for LGBTIQ+ People
- LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
- Rainbow Health Australia
- & Rainbow Health Australia’s Research and Resources
- Providing Inclusive Services and Care for LGBT People
RACGP LGBTQI+ news for up-to-date articles
- Sex, sexuality, gender diversity and health contextual unit
- LGBTI health webinars
- Supporting gender questioning in rural adolescents: The consult room and beyond
- LGBTIQA+ glossary of common terms
- Inclusive communication with LGBTIQ+ clients
- The social and emotional wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ young people
- Same-sex parented families in Australia
- Working with gender diverse young people and their families
- Manager’s Quick Guide to LGBTI Inclusion
- Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for trans and gender diverse children and adolescents
- Resources from Stanford Medicine LGBTQ Medical Education Research Group
- Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations Information and Resource Kit
- Penn Medicine LGBTQ Resources for Health Care Providers
- Local LGBTQ+ friendly doctors
Some practical tips:
- Create a welcoming environment through visual cues like pride pins, pronoun badges or posters
Avoid assumptions and stereotypes about individuals
- ie. not assuming sexual activity is with the opposite sex and clarifying before asking questions around contraception and pregnancy
- Cervical screening for transmen
- Prostate screening for transwomen
Clarify information with sensitivity and non-judgementally
- asking for types of sexual behaviour, use of protection, partner/s
Highlight your unfamiliarity with a subject but a willingness to learn and provide the best care
- Use gender neutral terminology when inquiring about partners
- Be aware that patient might have previous negative experiences with healthcare, might lack trust, might not disclose their sexuality/gender identity
Be aware of biases which might impact clinical care
- ie. trans broken arm syndrome
Be aware of other factors impacting patients ie. health disparities, poor physical and mental health, higher rate of substance use, minority stress, intersectionality stress ie. race
Further Resources
- Queer Healthcare Providers
- Online Lists of Healthcare Providers
- Helplines and Internet Counselling
- 24/7 National Helplines (not specifically LGBTIQA+ focused)
- Queer Advocacy and Education groups
- Support groups
- Support Groups for Older People
- Support Groups for Under 13s
- Youth Support Groups
- Parent Support Groups
- Parent Information
- Organisations Supporting Queer Healthcare Providers
- Training
- Other
Queer Healthcare Providers
Bouverie Centre (Brunswick, Melbourne)
A healthcare centre that offers family counselling and therapy sessions for families with same-sex parents.
Centre clinic (St Kilda, Melbourne)
An LGBTI friendly general practice clinic. Weekday consultations are bulk-billed for Medicare card holders, but a fee applies for weekend appointments.
Drummond Street Services – Queerspace (Carlton, Melbourne)
Offers counselling for individuals and families, group education, social events and peer support.
Equinox Gender Diverse Health Centre (Fitzroy, Melbourne)
A clinic with a focus on transgender and gender diverse clients. Provides counselling, GP appointments, sexual health care, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), and help with access to and management of gender affirming hormone treatments.
Gateway health (Wodonga)
A service for transgender, gender diverse and gender diverse young people aged 17 or under. Also provides support and resources to parents, carers and family members, and to GPs and other service providers.
Gender Dysphoria Clinic (Hampton East, Melbourne)
A clinic for transgender and gender diverse people aged 17 and older.
Please note: in order to be seen by the clinic, you must first have a referral from a doctor, a completed information form (can be found via the link below), and a report or psychiatric assessment from a mental health clinician if relevant. There is currently a wait list for appointments.
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (Carlton, Melbourne)
A walk in and wait clinic. Offers testing for men who have sex with men, and specialist HIV management.
Mind Equality Centre (Fitzroy North, Melbourne)
A gender and sexuality diverse friendly counselling service.
Northside Clinic (Melbourne)
A private General Practice with a particular focus on sexual health, and providing care to the LGBT and HIV+ community. Allied health and pathology also on site.
Prahran Market Clinic (Melbourne)
A GP clinic with a particular focus on sexual health, and Gay, Lesbian and gender diverse health.
Pronto (Fitzroy, Melbourne)
Provides free rapid HIV testing to men who have sex with men.
Rainbow Fertility
A fertility and IVF service exclusively for the LGBTI community.
Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service (Melbourne)
A multidisciplinary clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital, including nurses, paediatricians, psychologists, psychiatrists, speech pathology and endocrinology. For Victorian children and adolescents up to the age of 17 years.
Please note: requires a GP referral, and has a waiting list for the first appointment.
Online lists of healthcare providers
ANZPATH list of service providers (Australia)
A list of healthcare services for transgender Australians. Can be searched by state.
An online register of doctors and mental health professionals that have been recommended by lesbian and bisexual women.
Helplines and internet counselling
Diverse Voices (Queensland)
A Queensland-based peer to peer support network offering phone and internet counselling (internet counselling via the QLife website).
Switchboard (Victoria)
Provides a peer based, volunteer run support service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) people and their friends, families and allies.
QLife (National)
1800 184 527
Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). Open from 3pm to midnight in your state or territory, every day.
24/7 national helplines (not specifically LGBTIQA+ focused)
Kids’ helpline
1800 55 1800
A national, free helpline for people up to 25 years old. Also has the option to chat online, or via email.
13 11 14
A crisis support and suicide prevention helpline.
Suicide callback service
1300 659 467
Phone counselling is available, or up to 6 sessions with the same counsellor via a call-back system. Confidential online and video counselling is also available.
Queer advocacy and education groups
A charity providing free legal support to help trans and gender diverse youth access cross-sex hormones.
Organisation Intersex International (OII) Australia
An organisation by and for people with intersex variations, providing support, education, and promoting bodily autonomy and human rights for intersex people.
Safe schools coalition
An organisation that provides resources and training for schools in Austraila, to help them become are more inclusive environment for queer students.
Safe schools coalition Austraila:
Safe schools coalition Victoria:
A parent-lead peer support network, which also focuses on advocating for policy change in access to Stage 2 treatment for transgender and gender diverse youth.
Transgender Victoria
A group providing education to organisations and workplaces, as well as advocating for the transgender and gender diverse community across all aspects of their lives.
Support groups
Alphabet soup (Northcote, Melbourne)
Offers a supportive group environment for members of the queer community (including those who are questioning) and allies, meeting on the third Tuesday of every month.
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Austraila
A peer support group for those affected by intersex variations and variations of sex characteristics, and their families. Offers support, education and advocacy.
Australian GLTBIQ multicultural council directory of support groups
A directory listing the many multicultural support groups for the Queer community. Also has a function to add groups that are not currently listed.
FTM Australia
FTM Australia is a peer based Australia-wide network offering contact, social support and information for men identified ‘female’ at birth who medically transition to male in Australia.
FTM shed
A group offering a monthly meet-up for transmasculine people and their allies. Also offers a clothing bank to help during transition, books to borrow, support for those going in for surgery, and runs binder swaps, in addition to running a shop.
Genderqueer Australia (Melbourne)
Offers monthly coffee catch-ups in Melbourne on the first Saturday of every month.
GV Pride (Shepparton/Goulburn Valley/North-East Victorian region)
A lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Ally (LGBTIQA) social-support group
Melbourne Aces Meetup (Melbourne)
A monthly meet-up in Melbourne for those who identify as “Aces” (asexual).
Seahorse Victoria
A support and social group for transgender Victorians. Offers catch-ups and fundraising events, with the locations provided to members via email.
Young and Gay (South Yarra, Melbourne)
A free, 6 week program for gay and same-sex attracted men, to help with learning more about their sexuality and improve wellbeing. Covers topics such as stereotypes, coming out, homophobia, HIV stigma, sexual health.
Support groups – older people
Out and about
Peer volunteers regularly visit LGBTI older people to reduce isolation.
Support groups – under 13s
Kaleidoscope (Banyule)
A volunteer run social group where gender diverse and gender questioning children under 12 years old, and their families, can meet up once a month.
To access: email [email protected]
Rainbow connections (Mornington Pensinsula)
A group for gender diverse and gender questioning children under the age of 12 years.
Rainbow kids (Geelong)
A support group for gender diverse children under 13 years old, and their families, run by parents.
To access: contact Tory Wood on 0421 737 323
Youth support groups
Alphabet Crew (Albury Wodonga)
A support group for 12-18 year olds in the Albury Wodonga region. For more information, contact Ben from Retro Youth Cafe at [email protected]
Baseline (Whittlesea)
A group for LGBTIQA+ young people, including help learning skills such as film making, make up, acting, script writing, and leadership.
To access: contact Tanya on 9404 8800 or email [email protected]
B-EPIC (Bendigo)
A youth driven group for LGBTIQA+ 16-25 year olds and allies that aims to raise awareness in the community about sexual and gender diversity. or email [email protected]
Be Ur Self (Cardinia Shire)
A social support group for SSAITGD young people living, working or studying in the Cardinia Shire and surrounding areas.
To access: call 1800 4YOUTH and ask for Miranda Luck or the Be Ur Self program.
Box Hill Eastern Diversity Group
A weekly meeting for gender and sexuality diverse youth aged 15-25.
To access: call 9890 2673
Diversity Out North (Melbourne North)
A social support group for queer or questioning youths.
To access: call 9387 6711 or email [email protected]
Diversity Project (Shepparton)
A social group for same sex attracted, sexuality and gender diverse youth between the ages of 12 and 25. Meetings are held fortnightly in the Shepparton area on the 2nd & 4th Monday evenings of each month, generally between 6.00pm and 9.00pm.
To access: call Damien on 5831 6157
The GASP Project (Geelong)
The GASP Project provides the following a social/support group for 10 – 25 year olds, support and information for families, PFLAG (support group for family and friends of LGBTIQ people), information and individual support, as well as consultation, resources and training for agencies and schools aimed at challenging homophobia.
To access: call 5272 6120 Monday to Friday in business hours, and ask to speak to a GASP project worker
Glen Eira Pride (Glen Eira)
A same-sex attracted, sex/gender diverse or questioning support group for young people aged 14 to 25. Register interest via the website below:
Glitter Crew (Sunbury and Craigieburn)
A youth space for same sex attracted, sex and gender diverse identifying young people and their friends. Runs fortnightly on Fridays 3.30pm till 5.30pm alternating between the Sunbury Youth Centre and Craigieburn Youth Centre.
Kuriosity (Bendigo)
Operating out of Headspace Bendigo, this is a group for same sex attracted, sex and gender diverse youth aged 12-25 years old.
To access: call Millee Rice on (03) 5434 5345, or email [email protected]
A youth led organisation for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth between 15 and 25 years old. Runs numerous events throughout the year, including social events, dance parties, and annual Queer Formals in Melbourne and Adelaide.
The People Project (Mornington Peninsula)
Offers weekly meetings for both 13-17 year olds, and 18-25 year olds. For more information, see the website linked below, or email [email protected]
Queer in Kingston – QIK (Kingston)
A free, confidential, social support group for young people aged 14-24 years who may identify as same sex attracted gender diverse or questioning their sexuality and gender, who have a connection to the City of Kingston.
To access: contact Janet on 1300 369 436 or via email at [email protected]
Queer Youth Group (Moonee Valley)
A safe space for local young people aged 12-25 who identify as LGBTIQA+ to meet, hang out and develop strong social and support networks. Meets fortnightly in Niddrie on Wednesdays, 4-6 pm.
Register interest via the form on the website listed below:
Q Program (Wyndham City)
A social group and committee for young people aged up to 25 years who may be Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersex, Gender questioning, Pan Sexual and Straight.
To access: ask to speak to the Q Program Coordinator on 8734 1355, and those under 18 years old must complete the Youth Program Enrolment form on the website linked below.
Rainbow space Banyule (Banyule)
A collective of young adults 14 – 24 from Banyule area who are passionate about LGBTIQ diversity and promoting inclusion.
The Space (Melton)
A social support group for young people aged 12-25yrs who are questioning their sexuality and/or sexual identity.
To access: contact Adrienne on (03) 9747 5373 or [email protected]
Unite Alliance (Greater Dandenong)
A group for young people aged 14-25 years old including same sex attracted, gender diverse or questioning young people and their alliances, Unite Alliance meets to develop awareness campaigns and projects that tackle homophobia and discrimination.
To access: contact Simone 9793 2155 or [email protected]
WayOut (Macedon Ranges)
A group to support same sex attracted, sexuality and gender diverse youth aged 12-25 and living in rural/regional Victoria.
Yak (Melbourne CBD)
A social support group for young people who may identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or queer, or are unsure of their sexual identity or don’t want to label themselves. Is a safe place for members to meet in Melbourne’s CBD to talk about issues affecting their lives and just be themselves.
To access: contact (03) 9660 4700, freecall 1800 013 952 or email [email protected]
YGender (Carlton)
A social support group for transgender and gender diverse young people that offers regular social events, and aims to combat transphobia and create safe spaces for trans youth through community-led change. Events are also always held in wheelchair accessible facilities!
Y-Glam (Coburg)
A weekly performing arts group for 14-25 year old who identify as queer, exploring sexuality and gender identity through performance.
To access: call (03) 9355 9900 and ask to speak to the Y-GLAM project officer
Yumcha (Warnambool)
A safe place for youth up to 25 years old, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, bi, trans* or culturally diverse. This group meets weekly during school terms.
To access: contact the Yumcha group project worker on 5561 8888
Zaque (Ballarat)
A support and engagement group that provides a safe space for young people aged 12-25 who identify or wish to support the LGBTI/diverse community – including gender, sexuality, race, culture, and ability. This group is run out of Headspace Ballarat, and meets every second Thursday.
To access: call 5304 4777 or email [email protected]
“4 me” and “emerge” (Knox)
4 me: a support group for 14-18 year old same sex attracted, gender diverse and questioning young people.
Emerge: a fortnightly discussion group for same sex attracted, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, unstraight, unsure, pansexual or gender questioning people between 18 and 25 years old.
To access: email [email protected]
Parent support groups
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays – PFLAG Victoria (Melbourne)
A group that provides support to relatives and friends of those who identify as gay, lesbian, and bisexual. PFLAG offers meet-ups and phone support, and events are listed on their facebook page.
Parents of Gender Diverse Children
A group to support parents of transgender and gender diverse children of any age, this group offers monthly catch-ups for families to meet at, as well as panels and workshops. In addition to this, the group also works on advocacy.
A parent-lead peer support network, which also focuses on advocating for policy change in access to Stage 2 treatment for transgender and gender diverse youth.
A peer support group for parents, siblings, extended family and /or friends of a trans person. This group meets every month in Carlton.
To access: fill out this form
Parent information
Families like mine
A free resource developed by BeyondBlue for families of young gender diverse people, same-sex attracted and bisexual people, and those who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
Gender Help for Parents
A website created by parents of transgender and gender diverse children, this has resources such as books, films and articles, as well as listing useful organisations by state.
Organisations supporting queer healthcare providers
Australian Lesbian Medical Association (ALMA)
A group founded in 1999 for lesbian doctors, lesbian medical students and their partners, ALMA runs social events, an annual conference, and provides research grants.
Gay and Lesbian Doctors and Dentists (GLADD) Australia (Sydney)
GLADD meets in Sydney, and has an annual float in the Mardi Gras.
The University of Melbourne’s queer healthcare collective, MDQueer meets weekly during University semesters. Key interests of the group include education, advocacy, policy development, socialising, support and professional development.
Monash Queer Health Collective
A group dedicated to improving queer health, both within the health profession and within the community.
Out for Australia
Although not specifically for medical professionals, Out for Australia provides role models, mentoring and support for LGBTIQ professionals.
Rainbow Doctors Australia
A facebook group to connect queer doctors and medical students.
Victoria Police GLLO program
To access: a list of GLLOs is located here How To Contact Your Local GLLO – Victoria Police
About Wavelength
Wavelength is an online open-access medical education platform designed for students and junior doctors to provide safe and inclusive care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, sistergirl and brotherboy (LGBTQIASB+) people. Wavelength is brought to you by AMSA Queer. AMSA Queer represents and connects queer medical students across Australia, and seeks to promote LGBTQIASB+ health and wellbeing through education and advocacy.Wavelength was founded by a team of medical students from MDQueer at The University of Melbourne and the Queer Health Collective at Monash University, in collaboration with LGBTQIASB+ community members, leaders and advocates to ensure it addressed community needs and experiences.Wavelength would not be possible without the support from our founding partner organisations, including The Victorian AIDS Council and The University of Melbourne, as well as expert input from Associate Professor Ruth McNair and Dr Asiel Adan Sanchez. We deeply thank all the community members who participated in the creation of this resource.
Wavelength was produced in Wurundjeri country. We proudly acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land and pay our respects to Elders past and present.